"Developing fully committed disciples of
Jesus Christ through changed lives."

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Colonial Woods offers many different classes and opportunities to help develop your spiritual growth. We offer Adult Bible Fellowship times on Sunday mornings, times or prayer or study on Wednesday nights, various Community Groups which often rally around common interests or topics, as well as Baptism classes and Core classes for membership.

Our adult classes offer a place to be in a community with people committed to knowing and applying the Word of God together in a caring fellowship. Along with this comes a natural organization to bring about pastoral care, discipleship and outreach. Many of these classes are organized around a stage of life so that there is a natural affinity and a lasting bond of relationships.

greater purpose
Doug and Dianna Woodman
Meets @ 9:30 AM in Room 150
This class is for adults of all ages. Topical studies that apply to everyday life.
Format: Teaching with class participation

the journey
Pastor Ann Harrington
Meets @ 9:30 AM in the Carpenter Room
This class is for adults of all ages. Pastor Ann is teaching an in-depth Bible study.
Format: Teaching with class participation

in-depth bible study
With Terry Pettee
Meets @ 9:30 AM in Fireside Room #2
We are in a topical study of the favorite and best loved passages suggested by class members.
Format: Teaching with class participation

Second Half
With John Bouwens
Meets @ 9:30 AM in Fireside Room #1
We are in a topical study of the favorite and best loved passages suggested by class members.
Format: Teaching with class participation

Wednesdays at 6:45 - 8:00 PM in the Worship Center
We invite adults of all ages to join us for our weekly Midweek Study on Wednesday evenings from September - early June. We start our service at 6:45pm to allow time to get children and students checked in, and begin with a time of worship before our study. Each week the study will dig deep in God's Word, taking the semester to work it's way through a specific book of the Bible.
After a time of teaching, we break into groups for discussion about what we've learned and how we can apply God's truth to our lives.
Send us a message and we will answer any questions you might have about our adult opportunities.