a support group for those who have lost a spouse through death to help process grief in a supportive environment

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WidowedCare is a support group for men and women who have lost a spouse through death. It is a group for processing grief in a supportive environment. Our next session will begin September 9, 2024. To register, click the orange button below to fill out the registration form and then contact Sharon Stokan at 810-984-5571 to complete registration or for answers to any of your questions.
What Does Grief Look Like?​
The Meaning of Grief​
Expressions of Grief​
Expectations: Finding Comfort not Disappointment​
Will My Broken Heart Ever Heal?​
Where’s God?​
Problems in Grieving and Recovery​
Handling the Holidays (Fall session only)​
Adjusting to Your Loss​
Letting Go​
Surviving Through Your Loss

Sharon Stokan
WidowedCare Facilitator
810-984-5571 (x130)
SHARON CRIGGER-STOKAN was widowed in 1988 at the age of 39. She, and her first husband, Jim Crigger, who died after a 10 year illness at age 39, were married for 19 years. Following Jim’s death, Sharon was faced with the task of being a single mom to two, then teenage, sons.
Sharon’s sensitivity to those in the grieving process comes from her personal experience of putting her life back together after Jim’s death. It was out of the aloneness and despair she felt that she became involved with the widowed ministry at Colonial Woods Missionary Church. Sharon has previously led a young widowed support group and co-led grief groups. She started WidowedCare in 1996.
In 1994 Sharon married Mack Stokan. Her two sons are married; she has three granddaughters, and two grandsons, two step-daughters and five step-grandchildren.
In addition to being the WidowedCare Facilitator, Sharon works part-time as the Bookkeeper at Colonial Woods Missionary Church.

​"Why is this happening to me?"
"Oh, God, how can I endure this pain?"
"When will I stop hurting?"
"How long do I cry?"
"Does anyone understand how I feel?"
"Why, Lord, why?"
"Will I ever feel whole again?"
Perhaps these questions sound familiar to you. If so, you are not alone. The death of a spouse is a very traumatic experience. Grief is a process that we cannot avoid. Our ten weeks together will give you an opportunity to understand your reactions to your spouse’s death and the process of grieving and healing.
Unless you allow your feelings to be honestly and fully felt you cannot effectively walk through the grief process. There is no simple answer to your adjustment to your spouse’s death.
We care about you and our desire is that WidowedCare will be a help to you as you work through the grief process.